Madhuca, precious plant
      containing soul of nature

      Its scientific name is ‘Maduca longifolia’.
      It is a tropical tree mainly found in
      the mountains of India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.

      In India, madhuca has been widely used as a
      cure-all, especially for the scalp and hair treatment
      treatment as it was effective for the skin problems
      and pain relieve.

        Madhuca Longifolia

        According to Ayurveda, which is the oldest
        alternative medicine in existence. Madhuca
        is a precious drug that cures a lot of illnesses
        including skin disease, and stomachache. It has a
        very high utilization.

        Madhuca is called ‘Butter Tree’ in English and it
        is a source of edible fats. It is composed of
        vegetable fat(50-61%), protein(16.9%), saponin(2.5%),
        and tannin(0.5%) in the case of nut oil.

        Gond tribe living in Northern part of India calls
        Madhuca ‘The fruit of mother’ or ‘The tree of life’
        as it has high availability. So they have
        revered and protected this tree.



      Taking the role as a tonic, a pain reliever,
      a diuretic, a medicine for parasite
      infection, a drug for chronic tonsillitis,
      and bronchitis

    • SEED

      Used to treat skin disease, habitual
      constipation, dandruff, itching and

    • FRUIT

      Effectively used to treat
      tonsillitis and a sore throat

      Bicro Targeting System

      *BICRO -> BIO + MICRO

      LEAHUE and Chungbuk Medical College collaborated
      and developed Madhuca™, which absorbs effective
      ingredients for hair loss into the human body effectively.

      We fermented a sort of fatty acid from Madhuca tree with
      Candida bombico-la and got Sophorolipid. Then we
      obtained Madhuca™ by filtering and refining Sophorolipid.
      (Our original patent, number 10-1931299)

      MadhucaTM has a high purity and much smaller molecular
      structure than the human pores, so it is well absorbed
      in our skin and this is what makes it so special.
      We applied Drug Delivery System (DDS) so that all
      the ingredients can effectively be conveyed.
      (Domestic patent 10-2018-0060421 | Science Journal 5. Feb. 2016)


